What's happening now ?


I don't know, I think yesterday was a fine day @ the Culture Wheel, I think that I've enjoyed it, Maybe I enjoyed rostrey too.

I walked from there to the Microbus station, It was 12:30 AM, So I thought It'd be fine to go home.

Why Was I feeling so bad ? I really don't know or Can't find an answer yet.

So here I am today at work, Listening to Om Kalthoom "Lessa Faker" -I wanted to for the 1st time in my life- heh!

Well I attend the firewalls siminar @ the culturewheel tomorrow ? I'm not sure. I want to, But I'm not sure, I'm not sure I want to do anything.

Maybe I need to rest for a few days ? Not to see/hear from anyone ?

I don't know, But I'm almost sure that I won't attend MENGOS workshop. Maybe I'll go at the end.


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