I don't know.
Looks like EGLUG is not doing well. People don't try to do anything.
The lug just turned into an inactive stupid piece of nonsense.
People in Egypt don't respect volunteers.
People in Egypt don't want to learn.
No constructive discussions anymore.
EGLUG's been there for more than a year, Now what did we get after all these months ?
I guess nothing and I guess nothing can be done.
It's really part of our culture not to do anything, To only talk and talk about how bad other people are doing.
No, This wasn't what I've aimed for really.
Arabeyes is also not doing very well, I don't really understand how can I stand up in a conference and talk about arabeyes and ask people to help when I know that they'll face problems.
Same goes for EGLUG. I just don't know or can't understand "I can't say that I understand every aspect of the human life".
Job ? Even this I'm fighting to get rid of. Why the damn can't people act nice. And for who's sake ?
Chairman of IT Synergy, You are nothing and if there's something bad I wish happen to someone, It'll be you.
When I travel and talk in a conference to represent your company, You don't deduct those days from my monthly payment. Why didn't I tell him that ? Because I gave up and I really have no energy to talk or fight anymore.
You don't sell drinks to the people working in the office.
You don't ask them to be your support team, You get support people.
You appreciate their work if it's good, Not look for the bad things.
You stop being silly and stop your endless requirements for the software they are developing.
You do you do you do you don't you don't you don't...
Realy, I feel bad and now I can say that it's a sin to be born/live/work/think about any of the previous things when it comes to the middle east.
Arabs are mostly assholes.
All this might be due to multiple bad things are happening to me within the last few weeks. I don't know whether I can relate my broken state to one of those things, To all of them or to none of them. I just don't know. and I don't want to write more.
I'm suspending my administration rights in both eglug and arabeyes. And stopping all my volunteer activities until farther notice.
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