>> sattia
> Assalmou 3alikoum
al moslem man salem al moslmoon men lesaneh wa yadeh.
> Really I would like to congratulate ... but not the eglug ...
> I would like to congratulate ourselves that they r no longer
> related to Linux-Egypt. I really feel sorrow. Its grieving that
> they were here one day.
So so so,
I didn't reply to this thread till now, But I see that I MUST do it now.
But really I'm happy that you feel sorrow. This means that someone'll miss us, Thanks for the great feelings. I know that loosing people you love and like results in sorrow, But this is life. Thanks again!
> But to be honest Im not surprised I was expecting it.
> If u ve a closer look at the May-Install-Fest pics u would
> c them drinking bears and smoking cigarettes with gr8 happiness
> as if they r doing their prayers.
This is something personal, I think that I didn't drink beer, I drinked cola.
RMS is agnostic BTW, Does this mean that he is a bad guy ?
should he leave the leadership of the GNU project for that ?
> I think asking them to correct it is useless.
> It is a concept they believe in. Have a look at
> the reply there to this dirt. U will find that they
> accept it as long as u didnt violate the laws nor
> attacked someone personally. They r setting ethics and
> customs earned from the community or from the religion
> aside. Go to mosque and do this stuff; but here @ eglug do
> whatever u like and show us ur dirty side as long as u obey
> the above mentioned rule.
Admins, I don't accept such language regarding my personality, I'm asking:
Is this a direct attack against a group of people here or not ?
What are you talking about ? This is our rights to do whatever we want, did we post these pics. on a public forum beyond my knowledge ? They are being hosted on alaa's box. No farther comments.
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