Asiasource 2005, The return back, The goodbye.


I woke up at 9 am, I had to run for breakfast, Guess what ? The breakfast ended at 10 or so!
I spent most of the day talking with other people, I took a damn cold shower but I had to, I was smelly!
Guess what I smoked ? Indonisian cigarettes, With cardamom and clove!
Then for the surprise, Each one had to take only one o'reilly book. I took the "python in a nutshell one".
After lunch I started to pack my things which took a long time as I didn't pack all of them at once.

Here comes the bus, I gave many people hugs, Hinde gave me a Deutch goodbuy, I was stupid as I didn't understand in the beginning and I wasn't able to interact! :)
We took a final group photo.
Off to the airport, We arrived at 5 "I'll never get used to the cars on the left side of the road". I was asleep actually.
After asking about my flight I went in, The guy there tried to see whether I can get the luggage in cairo, After letting me stay for a some time, He found that it's not possible.
He gave me the boarding, The strange thing is that they didn't take a photo of me and put it on the boarding as they did the last time.
Now for the security clearance. Sure a large beep vame out when I passed by that evil thing, I have keys, a lot of coins, A cell phone, a pen and a watch, a camera And maybe more ;)
He started to investigate, He asked me a simple question whether I have matches or a lighter "maybe after he found that I have a box of cigarettes in my pocket by sensing it!". I was sure this'll happen as they are not allowed, They took my lighter the last time, So guess what ? I kept the matches in my laptop bag under the laptop, And I told him No, I don't have. I know they are not allowed so I throwed them away!
Now here I'm waiting for the flight.
This place is really boring.

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