Yesterday @ the CultureWheel.


Yesterday was fun...

I went to the Culture Wheel, Long time I haven't been there for a non EGLUG activity.

I went to the hall, Met alaa, Manal, Ahmad and Amr Gharbeia.

Roastry with all the gang, Met ezabi, ghazal and more people I don't know.

Talked a little with Ezabi, Then went to sit with Alaa and the gang.

Had my cappuccino.

They all went. I stayed with Sherif and Islam.

Met Eman. I had another silly comment about her latest complain :-). Never mind.

Ate tuna pasta salad and had a cola "Yes, I usually have a cappuccino before eating" Usually because I'm there tired. I didn't sleep well the day before and I came straight from the office.

Talked for a while, Now it's Fathy Salama and Karima Nayet. I gotta run.

Met el set na3ama after the party. Forgot to post this! Sorry!

Was really cool. I'm sure I needed such a thing.

Went to zzzz at 2 ? or as it 2:30 ? I remember the book was on the floor when i woke up "late as usual", Now back to work...

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