Asiasource 2005, Bahrain airport.


I asked for Mombai flight, The guy there asked me to have a look at the monitor and see!
Since I didn't see any of what's written, I kept searching for a gulf air office, I found that everything is OK.
I started searching for a net caffee, I found a businessmen center, So I decided not to enter!!!
OK, Let me be honest, All the Bahraini females there are not pretty, Perhaps reminding me of Alex. females.
But really the Gulf Air crew are helpful even in the airoirt, I could recognise them by their uniform, I wonder why are they covering their heads in the airport ?
I didn't yet find any source of electricity to charge my laptop.
I don't think that there is something worth saying more, So Bye!
What's with the guy flying to Karache ? He stoped talking to me when he knew that I'm Egyptian.
It was approaching the flight time, But they didn't announce it yet, I went down to their office, I kept standing there for 10 minutes, But I found no one. Finally they announced it.
I didn't like something, Which that there is no alarm before they announce anything.

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