My 1st deployment ever.
Today was my first deployment with OpenCraft and in about a month!
Why is this cool ? Because it's not only the 1st deployment, It's the 1st deployment
Baghdad 0.0.3 is out
Grab it while hot!
* Spelling correction using all the possible ways I know about
* Added pkg-config PC files
links2 + arabic
Extracting values from your apache log.
Don't try to understand this, It'll lead to brain cancer ;-)
Just use it to extract things from your apache web server access log.
perl -n -e '/(.[^ ]*) -(.[^-]*)- \[(\d*)\/(\w*)\/(\d*):(\d*):(\d*):(\d*) (.[^\]]*)\] "(\w*) (.[^ ]*) .[^"]*" (\d*) (.[^ ]*) "(.[^"]*)" "(.[^"]*)"/; print "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 \n"' access.log
قعدة سكر!
حضر هذه التظاهره العبد لله و علاء و منال و عزبى و ابليس و سقراط و طق حنك و سامح و ميسو
بصوا مافيش دماغ احط لنكات و اللى مش عاجبه يولع فى اللى جنبه
Damn, they did something with myaccount.
Couldn't log in and the email doesn't exist when I try to get my password back.
Had to register a new one, Bye Bye my +250 GB upload :(