Katoob 0.5.9 is out


This is a recommended update.

tarball, md5sum and gpg signed md5sum file

* Enchant is now used for spell checking instead of aspell
* The iso-codes package can be used to display friendly names for the spell checker dictionaries.
* The recent menu is displays the name of the file not the full path.
* Opening a non-existing recent file triggers an error.
* Better quality Arabic translation (Thanks Khaled Hosny).
* Maemo support.
* libcurl is now used for the network.
* Cairo is not used anymore to draw the extended toolbar extra icons.
* Make the buttons in the dialogs HIG compliant
* Pressing Escape will close the spell checking dialog
* We now use the gtk printing capabilities for printing.
* Syntax highlighting now depends on gtksourceview2 and it's been rewritten.
* We now save the documents every minute and recover any files when we start.
* We also autosave if we crash.

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