Welcome to my website. Here you will find my blog, writings, some photos and some information about me. Have fun and enjoy your stay!
My 1st deployment ever.
Today was my first deployment with OpenCraft and in about a month!
Why is this cool ? Because it's not only the 1st deployment, It's the 1st deployment
Baghdad 0.0.3 is out
Grab it while hot!
* Spelling correction using all the possible ways I know about
* Added pkg-config PC files
links2 + arabic
Extracting values from your apache log.
Don't try to understand this, It'll lead to brain cancer ;-)
Just use it to extract things from your apache web server access log.
perl -n -e '/(.[^ ]*) -(.[^-]*)- \[(\d*)\/(\w*)\/(\d*):(\d*):(\d*):(\d*) (.[^\]]*)\] "(\w*) (.[^ ]*) .[^"]*" (\d*) (.[^ ]*) "(.[^"]*)" "(.[^"]*)"/; print "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 \n"' access.log
قعدة سكر!
حضر هذه التظاهره العبد لله و علاء و منال و عزبى و ابليس و سقراط و طق حنك و سامح و ميسو
بصوا مافيش دماغ احط لنكات و اللى مش عاجبه يولع فى اللى جنبه
damn arabfilms.org
Damn, they did something with myaccount.
Couldn't log in and the email doesn't exist when I try to get my password back.
Had to register a new one, Bye Bye my +250 GB upload :(
From Arab Source to Africa Source.
Arab source brainstorming meeting is over. I'm tired, My left eye is stillhurting.
I really need a vacation as I didn't spend an hour at home during the last2 days except to sleep.
Being busy didn't give me time for my personal feelings, I guess this might be good.