Hello World from home!
Yes, It wasn't easy to reach my new home but I've done it!
I'm now posting this from my home with my 1M Cable connection.
Written in English.
Yes, It wasn't easy to reach my new home but I've done it!
I'm now posting this from my home with my 1M Cable connection.
And I was supposed to move today. I thought that I should take the bus to Espoo where my new place is, buy food and keep it in the apartment and install the cable modem I bought yesterday, take the bus back to Helsinki, take a taxi with all my bags back to Espoo.
It's a bit complicated I know but I didn't feel like moving my bags and then not being able to find food or coming back to Helsinki. At least, here I'm in he hotel, the office is within a walkable distance, I have internet, I somehow know where the market is and I know where I can find a restaurant.
I've seen my new apartment today. It's more of a studio with a bathroom and a kitchen.
OK. Here it goes.
I signed my contract in the morning. I met Johanna at Nokia and we signed the contract and the NDA.
SO. Air france suck. They use a weird method to calculate your overweight and they fail to deliver the luggage!
Marc Brockschmidt, my Application Manager wrote it at last :-)
Thanks to all the cool people out there who helped me!
The server was really screaming yesterday. I was trying to understand why.
I thought it was the aggregator module. I did some profiling for the aggregator SQL queries and while I'm at it, I did the same for some other modules and here we go: Here, here, here and here.
I'll be applying them too to the drupal sites I'm hosting whether they like it or not!
* Don't try to convert the encoding if the requested one is utf8. return false if the text is not valid utf8 after we convert it.
* Reset the gui when we close the document from the document label close button.
* Replace dialog: Removed "Find And Replace".
* Severe optimization for the lam-alef detection and manipulation code.
* Syntax highlighting support (Via libgtksourceviewmm)
I didn't get enough sleep ? Who cares!
Tobacco, Nescafe...
I Power Life!