
Written in English.

Where did the bus stop go ?


And I was supposed to move today. I thought that I should take the bus to Espoo where my new place is, buy food and keep it in the apartment and install the cable modem I bought yesterday, take the bus back to Helsinki, take a taxi with all my bags back to Espoo.

It's a bit complicated I know but I didn't feel like moving my bags and then not being able to find food or coming back to Helsinki. At least, here I'm in he hotel, the office is within a walkable distance, I have internet, I somehow know where the market is and I know where I can find a restaurant.

The drupal database optimization day.


The server was really screaming yesterday. I was trying to understand why.
I thought it was the aggregator module. I did some profiling for the aggregator SQL queries and while I'm at it, I did the same for some other modules and here we go: Here, here, here and here.
I'll be applying them too to the drupal sites I'm hosting whether they like it or not!