Asiasource 2005, The 3rd day.


Yesterday, I spent a lot of time in the lab trying to code a small application that'll use to demonstrate the gettext thing to people, gettext and autotools were playing bad with me, I finished it and went to sleep at 2 am.
It was really cold and I was really freezing, So I decided not to go to the bathroom before I go to bed, Actually I covered my face as I use to do when It's cold.
I woke up at 8:35 AM, Damn, I was in a hurry, Didn't eat much as I didn't find time, I even spoiled the coffee in the plate.
To the morning ring.
"Transparent" was my answer when Gunner asked about your color mode!
We had a couple of announcements, I think I'll be attending the VOIP session by Tomas this afternoon.
So to the localization lab.
Coffee break!
We realized that we won't be able to compile the code as ubuntu doesn't have gcc installed, OK. let all the 7 people ssh to my laptop and run it from there.
I created 7 accounts, I had to copy the tarball to each home, Unpack it and run configure; make for the 7 things at the same time.
After we set up everything, I went to have my coffe, smoked a sigarette and exchanged some money! WOW.The session ended, The lunch was fine "Did I mention that they had meat yesterday ? I didn't eat it and I don't know why!"

I went to the cafeteris to pay my bills, Got more cigarettes and a pepsi bottle to drink.

I was talking to the Jafier "spelling ?" about how they handle l10n and so, He told me that they are an NGO, They hire people to do it. And that when they hit a term, They start looking for other language to understand how they come out with their terms. I asked him about the ability to generate an ar_EG locale, He said that this is what they do in Spanish, And tht I should take the existing files and modify them.
Hmmmmmmmm, Valuable information. I decided t go to the migration lab to get some packets passing through my ethernet card. On my way, I met fredrick, He asked me about the corrections, ugh, I forgot; I'll give them to you ASAP.
I entered the lab. Unfortunately, I found no place for me. So I decided to sit down and write this.

Did I say that I volunteered with my burner to burn the huge ammount of CDs they are burning ?

It was approaching 4, I went to the main hut, We had 4 sessions on VOIP, Martus, Software and disabilities, Copyrights and creative commons. I asked Tomas, the VOIP guy whether he'll be touching asterisk, He said that we'll try, Off to the VOIP session, And thanks MURPHY, The network was crap when I tried to get asterisk up and running to demonstrate it, Whenever I plug the network cable, The Laptop stops responding until I unplug it. So I wasn't able to demonstrate it, After an hours we discovered that a cable was connected to the switch from bot ends and was causing huge udp traffic.
Dinner time, I really liked the food. They are supposed to be dancing now, I'm at the lab and someone gave me an orinoco wireless card, COOL! GREAT! I'm on wireless!
Just apt-get install pcmcia-cs wireless-tools
Load the orinoco drivers after recompiling my kernel "Thanks Youssef for your minimal kernel idea" I'm connected.
I'va talked to a guy who works for an NGO helping other NGOs migrating to CMSes, They have a home grown solution, I advised him to use Mandrake instead of Ubuntu "I guess I'm the only anti-ubuntu guy here" ;-)
I've been trying to post this for a while now, But the net was down.
It's up now, I've sent the emails I want, And I'll be posting this!

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