
CLRSpell, My first and hopefully last VC++/.NET application.


So, The wordlist has been growing lately, We hit 250,000 words, I tried hard not to put incorrect words but a lot of incorrect words went in, Manual review doesn't seem right to me, It'll take years!

There's already an Arabic spell checker shipped with Microsoft Office 2003, Why not use it ?

I tried to do it manually but hell, No way!

I tried to discover how can it be coded, Neither VBA nor VC++ helped me, Of course it's me here as I'm not a windows developer at all.

و علاء كمان راح :-(


منال لسه متصله بيا و قالتلى انهم مسكوا علاء فى مظاهرة النهارده

تحديث الساعة الرابعة: 4 متغميين ودوهم على قسم الدرب الاحمر - من بينهم بنت

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كس ام دى بلد على كس ام ده نظام على كس ام كده