Asiasource 2005, The 8th day.
That's the lat day, I woke up and I can't remember when, I had my breakfast I realised that I was wearing my slippers when I was about to wash my plate. I had to take them off, wash my plate, And wear them again.
That's the lat day, I woke up and I can't remember when, I had my breakfast I realised that I was wearing my slippers when I was about to wash my plate. I had to take them off, wash my plate, And wear them again.
I woke up earlry today, at 8:15.
The breakfast was fine, Off to the tracks then!
Today we had a more hands on fonts and how to create them, More technical introduction on how to add your language to openoffice.
As usual, Late due to network!
Shit, It's 8:45 in the morning, Have to run for the breakfast!
I'm lucky it was served late half an hour at 8:30 instead of 8:00
Now the morning track, And the question "What's your birth date ?"
NOTE: I posted this blog a day after as the network was down!
Today we were going for the outings, As you all know I decided to go visit the IT technical place or whatever they call it!
I woke up at 7:30 or 8 I can't remember, I didn't sleep much as I slept at 3+ AM
Hi again from India.
Sure I woke up at 8:30 and I was in a hurry to catch the breakfast, Though it seems that some people started to sing in a loud at 7:30 to wake people up. I completed sleeping after they finished.
Yesterday, I spent a lot of time in the lab trying to code a small application that'll use to demonstrate the gettext thing to people, gettext and autotools were playing bad with me, I finished it and went to sleep at 2 am.
I woke up at 8:30, Breakfast. morning ring.
Off to the localization track, I passed by the cafiteria, No money exchange yet!
Now, We are at the localization track, Each one is writing the word "free software" in his language.
So, I was working at the lab, Gunner came to distribute copies of the agenda.
I went to the room after some time leaving my laptop at the lab to have a look at the agenda as it was hot in the lab, I went back before 4 PM. Took the laptop and went to the hall, On my way I discovered that I don't have the cam.
Yesterday I had a little walk, Tried not to go deep near the bushes as there are snakes after the rain.
I slept at 2+ AM, I was searching for my luggage and found it, I wanted to take a bath but I didn't as I had no soap, So I decided not to do it now.
So alan picked me up, Derek came, and some other people which I can't remember.
Finally we are at the place, It's basically a large piece of land, With scattered buildings here and there, I'll try be taking photos.