Coding and hacking

Acer Embedded Controller no spinlock patch updated to


OK, Without this patch, My laptop suffers from jumpy touchpad and sticky keys. It's mainly because the Linux ACPI implementation is trying to access the battery state through the laptop embedded controller. The problem is that this access causes lost interrupts which leads to the above problems.

CLRSpell, My first and hopefully last VC++/.NET application.


So, The wordlist has been growing lately, We hit 250,000 words, I tried hard not to put incorrect words but a lot of incorrect words went in, Manual review doesn't seem right to me, It'll take years!

There's already an Arabic spell checker shipped with Microsoft Office 2003, Why not use it ?

I tried to do it manually but hell, No way!

I tried to discover how can it be coded, Neither VBA nor VC++ helped me, Of course it's me here as I'm not a windows developer at all.

Help! What's wrong with this C++ code ?


Why won't this shit compile ? What's wrong ? I don't get it!

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class foo {
   virtual void write();

class fubar : public foo {
  void write() { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; }

class fubar2 : public foo {
  void write() { cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; }

تدقيق املائى من كلمات المصحف الشريف



بصراحه نفسى اقول كلام كتير لانى فى حالة من الضيق لا يتخيلها احد

ده ملف قاموس للمدقق الاملائى aspell انا عملته من نص القران الكريم

Drupal patch monkey, Captcha for drupal.


Well, I backported the captcha API patch for the current 4.6 version of the drupal captcha module.

Let me state it, I hate captchas, So when I enable a captcha module be sure that I'll do it right!

You'll be asked to do a simple mathematical calculation and fill in the result not to read an ambiguous image.