When I say that certain places in this world are characterized by stupid people, No one should blame me. And here's a proof!
[00:43] --> You are now talking on #eglug [00:47] <SmartUnix> hmmmmmmm what about my problem now , what should i don't [00:47] <SmartUnix> do * [00:48] <MSameer> SmartUnix: wat is your problem ? [00:48] <SmartUnix> i can't install SuSE [00:49] <MSameer> SmartUnix: can't install is a vague thing, what's EXACTLY your problem ? [00:49] <xfree> SmartUnix,more info please>>>> [00:49] <SmartUnix> ok , it's SuSE Linux 10 , i try to install it in 5 GB partition [00:50] <SmartUnix> it's Toshiba laptop [00:50] <SmartUnix> A10 , pantuim 4 2.0 GHz [00:50] <xfree> SmartUnix, is this L10 or so stalitte [00:50] <SmartUnix> it's satellite [00:51] <MSameer> SmartUnix: we don't care about the laptop, we care bout your problem, give us more details please [00:51] <SmartUnix> when i install SuSE it's hang , stop [00:52] <MSameer> SmartUnix: hang when ? [00:52] <MSameer> during the boot, during the install, .......... [00:52] <SmartUnix> when it's install package [00:53] <MSameer> SmartUnix: during package installation ? in the beginning or in the middle ? [00:53] <xfree> SmartUnix, try other DVD [00:53] <SmartUnix> in the beginning [00:53] <SmartUnix> it's install some package [00:53] <SmartUnix> then it's jang [00:53] <SmartUnix> hang * [00:53] <MSameer> SmartUnix: is the CD damaged ? [00:54] <SmartUnix> i don't know [00:54] <xfree> SmartUnix, did you have other PC [00:54] <SmartUnix> yes but it's old [00:54] <MSameer> SmartUnix: try to copy all the cd contents to your hard drive to verify [00:55] <SmartUnix> ok then what should i do [00:55] <MSameer> SmartUnix: then tell us whether it worked or not :P [00:56] <MSameer> if the cd is damaged then that's it, otherwise we gotta thing of other reasons [00:56] <SmartUnix> :D do you mean i copy cd contents then ? [00:57] <MSameer> ? [00:57] <SmartUnix> you say this [00:57] <SmartUnix> "try to copy all the cd contents to your hard drive" [00:58] <MSameer> i did [00:59] <SmartUnix> ok , then what should i do ? [00:59] <MSameer> [00:55] <MSameer> SmartUnix: then tell us whether it worked or not :P [00:59] <SmartUnix> hmmmmmm [01:00] <SmartUnix> ok [01:09] <SmartUnix> :\ [01:11] <SmartUnix> i will resize partition from 5 GB to 10 GB [01:11] <SmartUnix> then i will try to install it agian [01:12] <SmartUnix> brb :) [01:12] <MSameer> SmartUnix: did you try copying the CD ? [01:12] <SmartUnix> no i still don't copying it [01:12] <SmartUnix> becuase i don't know how i can use it [01:13] <MSameer> SmartUnix: and youll retry installing without copying ? [01:13] <MSameer> damn it [01:13] <SmartUnix> copying to hardisk ? [01:13] <MSameer> SmartUnix: you are copying it just to verify that the damn thing is not corrupted [01:13] <MSameer> AUP [01:13] <MSameer> BooDy: help him please [01:13] <MSameer> i'm out of this [01:14] <SmartUnix> ok if it's not corrupted , what is the result will show [01:14] <SmartUnix> ? [01:14] <xfree> SmartUnix, the MSameer give you smart way to test your DVD/CD ;) [01:14] <SmartUnix> :) and i am still don't understand it [01:14] <MSameer> SmartUnix: honestly ? stay with windows [01:15] <SmartUnix> ok , thanks :) [01:15] <xfree> SmartUnix, open this cd/dvd and use CTRL-A then create new folder on your desktop than paste it here [01:16] <MSameer> SmartUnix: wen you copy the CD, if it's corrupted it won't copy it completely [01:16] <MSameer> SmartUnix: got the point ? [01:16] <SmartUnix> this information i asked you about :) [01:17] <SmartUnix> ok i am starting copy [01:17] <MSameer> what info ? [01:17] <MSameer> SmartUnix: is it hard ? [01:17] <SmartUnix> "if it's corrupted it won't copy it completely" [01:17] <BooDy> MSameer, sorry its dinner time can't help anyone. if my father wants to install GNU/linux now I'll leave him alone [01:17] <MSameer> BooDy: you kow my favorite channel ? ;) [01:17] <xfree> MSameer, did you know if the suse come with test cd/dvd like redaht does? [01:17] <MSameer> SmartUnix: use your freaking mind [01:17] <MSameer> xfree: no idea honestly [01:17] <BooDy> MSameer, no [01:18] <MSameer> xfree: never used suse [01:18] <MSameer> xfree: but it might be possible if you feel like trying with him :P[01:19] <xfree> MSameer, than what late me guess debian :) [01:19] <SmartUnix> Cannot copy INSTALL : Cannot read the source file or disk [01:19] <MSameer> SmartUnix: corrupted CD [01:20] <xfree> SmartUnix, "if it's corrupted it won't copy it completely" ;) [01:20] <SmartUnix> lol [01:20] <SmartUnix> that's mean no Linux [01:20] <MSameer> SmartUnix: please man please use your brain [01:20] <MSameer> SmartUnix: where do you live ? [01:20] <MSameer> SmartUnix: DSL or dial up ? [01:20] <SmartUnix> dial up [01:20] <MSameer> SmartUnix: where do you live ? [01:21] <SmartUnix> in the arabian country ;) [01:22] <MSameer> SmartUnix: you are in Kuwait [01:22] <SmartUnix> that's right [01:22] <MSameer> SmartUnix: i aske ubecause i might know someone near you to hand a you a copy [01:23] <SmartUnix> :) [01:23] <MSameer> SmartUnix: but honestly, Sorry even if I know, I won't try to arrange something for you [01:23] <MSameer> guys, I'll violate the AUP [01:23] <xfree> MSameer, wow you are kindly persone than i imagen :) [01:23] <BooDy> MSameer, don't [01:23] <MSameer> SmartUnix: you are a worthless DNA, this human behaviour can't be expected from someone outside a certain area you live in and I'm now more sure about it [01:24] <MSameer> xfree: i'm not that kind [01:24] <BooDy> MSameer, kick yourself [01:24] <MSameer> xfree: i did ask him to arrange something for him, but i's very obvious tht he doesn't need that hep [01:24] <MSameer> BooDy: nop, this is not a violation [01:26] <MSameer> SmartUnix: and i guess that the best thing you should do is to ask the pink dragon what you should do every day when you wake up, I'm sure that by following his answer - which is something I doubt - you'll be a better person or at least more usefl if not to yourself then it'll be to the surrounding environment [01:28] <SmartUnix> ok , thank you for this advice :) [01:31] <SmartUnix> and thanks for the great method :)- 19820 views
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