If you care about the readability more than you care about the eye candy then that's for you ;-)
You need to enable developer mode and ssh to the N9.
# mkdir -p /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmessagingwidgets0/style/
# vi /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmessagingwidgets0/style/libmessagingwidgets0.css
Insert the following lines:
BubbleItem MLabelStyle#BubbleItemMessageIncoming {
font: $FONT_FAMILY 32px;
BubbleItem MLabelStyle#BubbleItemMessageOutgoing {
font: $FONT_FAMILY 32px;
BubbleItem MLabelStyle#BubbleTimeStampLabelOutgoing {
font: $FONT_FAMILY light 32px;
BubbleItem MLabelStyle#BubbleTimeStampLabelIncoming {
font: $FONT_FAMILY light 32px;
You then need to restart messaging-ui:
# su - user
$ killall -KILL messaging-ui
Enjoy :-)
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