Reverse engineered libomap3camd header file for N9 and N950
A short introduction about N9 camera stack:
Camera stack for N9 is built on top of V4L2 subdev and media controller interfaces.
A short introduction about N9 camera stack:
Camera stack for N9 is built on top of V4L2 subdev and media controller interfaces.
If you are using PR 1.1 then you can simply enable zoom during video recording.
Just create a file /etc/camera.conf and add the following lines:
recording-zoom = true
restart camera, enjoy and send postcards to the Harmattan camera team :)
I hope someone will create an Ovi store app for that ;)
If you care about the readability more than you care about the eye candy then that's for you ;-)
You need to enable developer mode and ssh to the N9.
# mkdir -p /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmessagingwidgets0/style/
# vi /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/libmessagingwidgets0/style/libmessagingwidgets0.css
Insert the following lines: