subdomain --add --name=michael
Welcome Michael.
Welcome Michael.
I couldn't post all the images as they are +800 M.
I also had to resize them otherwise they'd have consumed a lot of space.
ناقم على البلد اللي عايش فيها و لازم اسافر لآخر الدنيا علشان الاقي شغل
مبسوط علشان هسافر اشتغل و اشوف الدنيا و علشان لما اجى راجع اجازه هاشعر باشتياق لمن احبو هاتبسط لانى هاحسسهم باشتياقى
ناقم على جزء كبير من الشعب بيطالب بالحريه و بيرفض إعطائها لغيره
مبسوط لانى هاعرف انى احسن منهم و ممكن الاقى فرصه احاول اغيرهم يعنى هاعمل حاجه للناس
No more phaeronix contributions for me.
Please, I hate this ....... .
Note to self: Be prepared for a lot of depressing things and a lot of discussions the following days.
I'm back.
I did it again and pissed in the source of the nil for the last time on the last night.
Next day we had to empty the resort, The last bus left at about 12, Damn that long way.
Nuagara hotel was full, We had to spend the night in another one called Antonio sessions club or whatever. No, I won't be able to say goodbye to my friends :-(
Today was the closing circle, All was fine.
A lot of people are leaving now.
I can't post photos now as we have a very limited bandwidth.
Yesterday was a day off, We went to an outing, We had four, I choose to go to the fishing village.
We walked for about an hour and a half in the forest. Come on! It's cool but I guess it's a fake forest. WE found a water pipe there ;-)
yesterday i attended a session about computers and disability.
arun is amazing. i met him in india at asiasource but i didn't know that he's teaching bnd people programming.
i've got my batteries charged by yesterday and i'm back to photos.
Some time between Sunday the 8th of january & monday the 9th of january. .I FULFILLED MY NEEDS BY PISSING IN THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. Talce carc. You've been warned!
@nd day, It's raining. I had to take a bath with cold water because I felt dirty :-(
Damn the food here is delicious!
Tracks in the morning.
I'll give a session in the evening on how to compile a kernel.