اللى قال ان ماعندناش قائمة كلمات عربية ضحك عليكم!
علشان الصوره اللى فوق دى بتثبت العكس
المشكله ان عدد الكلمات اللى فيها صغير جدا "اقل من 50000" بس اهو اللى عندى
Welcome to my website. Here you will find my blog, writings, some photos and some information about me. Have fun and enjoy your stay!
علشان الصوره اللى فوق دى بتثبت العكس
المشكله ان عدد الكلمات اللى فيها صغير جدا "اقل من 50000" بس اهو اللى عندى
It all started with a question from Amr Gharbeia
"Why are we working on an Arabic spell checker ?, Why not a wordlist for aspell ?"
Oh, That's a simple question but it changed a lot of things.
lighttpd was doing fine but sometimes it doesn't start after the logrotation, I'm lazy to write a script to fix this plus, I miss the apache mod_security to filter out some SPAM comments. I'm using an old package from backports.org, Maybe it was fixed in a later package but it's not there for debian yet.
و الله الراجل ده عظيم
تليفون و انا تحت البيت مروح الساعه 12 امبارح
باختصار لو ان عدم مرواحك هايضايقك لا روح
لا انا فعلا متضايق
من يوم الجمعه بالليل و انا فعلا متضايق
مش عارف اضحك كالعاده ولا حتى ابتسم
مكشر طول الوقت و فعلا بدات ادخل فى مزاج سودوى و مش عارف اعمل ايه
I've been asked this question a few months ago when I was interviewed by Google, She wanted a smart way so I told her that I can use the calculator but probably that's not the answer that you want. I decided not to answer.
الصور هنا
سورى مش حلوه اوى بس الدنيا كانت ضلمه و اللى مش عاجبه ينزل يصور احسن منها!
Working on a new deployment, Every bone in my body is hurting me :-)
But I'm working on a new beauty!
Long ago I've applied to be a Debian Developer, Now I have an Application Manager at last.
It has been a pleasure being an EGLUG administrator for the past time. However,
I feel that I'm not qualified as an admin - at least for some people here - and
that I don't really have much time.