GNU/Linux Egyptian User Group related.
Install Fest, EGLUG gets a 10, Linux-Egypt gets a ZERO!
Late as usual, I'm jobless these days and I don't feel like doing anything useful.
On the 9th of September. we had to meet to finish all of the remaining issues.
Diaa passed by me, Oh diaa 120-130 Kph on the ring rode and you don't have a license! damn you.
Is it the end of volunteer work for me ?
I don't know.
Looks like EGLUG is not doing well. People don't try to do anything.
The lug just turned into an inactive stupid piece of nonsense.
People in Egypt don't respect volunteers.
Jordan: preconference++ and the 1st day.
Nothing serious happened during the rest of yesterday or today.
I slept yesterday, Isam woke me up. I met him in the Lobby, WE talked for a while, We went out. I wanted to exchange 50USD from the hotel, I gave the guy 100USD but he didn't have change, So I didn't exchange any money.
Now this is what happens when we have teenagers in the LUG.
[20:57] <YoussefAssad> you guys still there?
[20:57] <BooDy> YoussefAssad: we will always be there no matter what you do
[20:58] <YoussefAssad> BooDy: incompetent moderator
[20:58] <na6oosh> 21:00:01 up 3 days, 13:24, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
And it's over.
And the conference is over and took with it everything nice and sweet. It also took the days without enough night sleep.
It gave me friends, More self confidence.
It took one thing that I've been crying on for the last day and night. Also today in the morning.
My presentation today.
Today I'll give a 20 minutes short presentation on the State of Arabic FLOSS desktop in the conference
I prepared yesterday te presentation using openoffice impress and it gave me a hard time when it inserted a sound during slide transition.
Wireless + FLOSS = no sleep? Damn mengos!
So, Finally I was able to get my PCI wifi card running under Linux.
I've bought it weeks ago, Whatever I do the box keeps freezing when I bring up the interface.
ndiswrapper is freezing at random points, And finally when I was able to use the GPL'ed driver, I didn't get a connection.
I tried with 6 kernels or so.
I decided to get an old P2 or so and try and yes! IT WORKED.
The damn CNET CWP-854 worked under Linux with the rt2500 driver.
Now I'm enjoying wireless at home with my GNU/Linux semi-access point.
FOSS Conference 13-15 March 2005
Free Open Source Software and Development Conference 13 – 15 March 2005
Invitation to attend the conference entitled Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) and Development (13-15 March 2005, daily from 6 p.m to 10 p.m, Shepard Hotel in Cairo), which is organized by Center for Knowledge Society with the cooperation of EGLUG (Egyptian GNU/Linux Users Group).
Open Invitation, for enquiries:
Tons of trouble.
It started last thursday with my laptop harddisk giving I/O errors, locking read only and SMART sending me alerts.
hmmmmmm, I shut down the laptop, It was 5-6 pm, So I decided to go to alaa. As I used to spend thursday evenings with him.