Welcome to my website. Here you will find my blog, writings, some photos and some information about me. Have fun and enjoy your stay!

My GnuPG key(s).


I sign most of the emails I send, If you get an email from me that is not signed then there's a 99% possibility it's NOT me.

Key ID: 0xA3FD0DF7

Fingerprint: 9F73 032E EAC9 F7AD 951F  280E CB66 8E29 A3FD 0DF7

Get my gpg key:

You have 3 options:

I'm not dead


So, I'm not dead.
Don't ask me what I was doing the last period.
But, Finally you can see that I'm using a CMS instead of writing my own scripts.
So expect that the site should be fully functional in a very short period of time.