Welcome to my website. Here you will find my blog, writings, some photos and some information about me. Have fun and enjoy your stay!
Back to python
So, I started reading Dive Into Python.
The 1st real code I wrote was rewriting my irc bot in python, Though there are some features missing and the code is not that good, But It's my 1st python code.
Drupal behaving like GNOME ?
So they broke the usability of one of their modules, Saying that the new theme hooks doesn't allow the feature to add a link to the primary links when creating a page as it used to be in drupal 4.4 ?
The 1st 4.5 post!
So, here we are with drupal 4.5, It took much effort to upgrade, with patching here and there, porting some modules to the new 4.5 API, tweaks for the theme.
Well, I can say that small things are still missing here and there, But mozilla shouldn't have problems with the recent files block.
Google In Cairo!!!

I was reading Planet Jourdan, Just to discover this.
They didn't say which cairo, The original photo was taken by Sabbah and published in this blog entry.
python, python!, python?,python :-(
Ok, So I've started to learn python, Well, I was thinking about doing it for a long time, But I have to do it now. So googling with "python tutorial.
And choosing the first result.
I read the whole damn thing, Did I understand it ? I think yes, But I don't know why I have a feeling that it is hard, Where are you perl :-(
Gnome 2.8.1
The idea started as follow: I wanted to hack nautilus for goneme, I've downloaded the latest tarball and started building, Just to discover that i'll have to compile other packages to satisfy the dependencies. So, Why not build the whole GNOME desktop and have a look ?
Timidity, 1.2.3!
So you need to listen to midi, eh ?
I've done this under Debian testing "sarge" at thet time
apt-get install timidity
Now get the timidity.cfg from Here. That's my home server, So it might be slow, down, Or anything. Check later if you can't get it now.
Under debian this file is placed in /etc/timidity/
Arabeyes core elections.
So after having hard time with Shereef Nagy trying to let him run, I decided to run too, Maybe cause I gave him my word.
Shereef Is a hard worker though he doesn't understand what problem he is getting himself into ;-)
Anyway, Here is My plan:
The third step towards freedom
This should've been written days ago.
So, On wednesday I went to get the ID, And yes! I've got it, Now to go and get the passport.
Sorry, You are not allowed, Because The place you live here is not covered by this office.